Leaving Jersey Shore and entering productivity.

March 16, 2011 § Leave a comment

I am absolutely the worst when it comes to waking up in the morning. It is my usual to push the snooze button around three times, regardless if I’ve set my alarm for 8 AM or 11 Am. I always end up pulling myself out of bed only by telling myself that I can eat a piece of toast, get some Perk’s coffee and feel less like a Jersey Shore cast member. Sidenote: that reference might sound out of place, but have you ever noticed they never do anything? They are either in the kitchen or in their beds. Just in their beds, talking about drinking, hooking up, or getting mad at each other. It’s like leaving their beds would make them less tan or lose the ability to fist pump.

But forget that tangent. This morning I wanted to get up and get going at the sound of my alarm, but instead turned it off and slept for another hour. I really hate oversleeping. Hitting the snooze is one thing, but turing off an alarm is another. So in a tizzy I ran around, got some tea, drank an Emergen-C (recommended HIGHLY if you think you might be getting sick) ate some toast and headed to the library. And now, instead of revising poems for a poetry workshop I took this quarter, I’m writing this post. And before I get a MILLION comments asking to view my genius poetry, I have to say that it isn’t currently available to the public. Sorry to all my disappointed fans out there. (If you didn’t catch that sarcasm .. then know that I was being sarcastic.)

Before I end this post and try to actually do something productive, I want to share something that always makes my over-sleeping grump disappear. My lovely friend, Andi, has a great blog (take a peek at it here!) that is full of positivty and inspiration. It always makes me think about how lucky I am to simply have the life I do, filled with people I love.

Along with Andi’s blog, here are pictures of a few other things that seem to brighten my mood.

{I'm convinced phone conversations with my mom will always make me feel better}

{Positive little quotes that stick with me through the day}

{Watching an episode of Gilmore Girls always makes me giggle and relax}

{Of course, I could never be in a bad mood when I'm around these nuts. And Sammer, too!}

Have a lovely Wednesday!

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